Vidyah section

Welcome to the video section of the site, below are Categorys, they are filled with stuff and that :D

Ley and Nak


Ley and Nak vs Snobolds, ...

Ley and Nak vs Snobolds, lots of...

I had that one on my back for fucking years! years I tell you!

Guile Theme Goes with Any...

Guile Theme Goes with Anything (...

Du do do do duuu, do du du du du doooooo, du do du do da du da du du du

Ley and Nak (And Paul) vs...

Ley and Nak (And Paul) vs The Re...

The Song is by The Derpy Derps - Which must be the coolest band name ever

Ley, Nak and Paul vs Maly...

Ley, Nak and Paul vs Malygos

The Sparkles and stuff are suppose to go away after a few secs...

Ley and Nak vs Razuvious ...

Ley and Nak vs Razuvious - Whats...

We punched his face old school, also enjoy the royalty free music... so youtube will stay off my balls

Ley and Nak vs Kael in TK

Ley and Nak vs Kael in TK

Shoop de whooop - Bloody Hard FIGHT!! well it use to be

Ley and Nak vs Naxx Plagu...

Ley and Nak vs Naxx Plague Wing!

We dun kilt it :D and we take on an entire wing of naxx!

Ley and Nak vs Kel'thuzad

Ley and Nak vs Kel'thuzad

Ley and nak take on this cheese'mo... suprise ending, well maybe not, we are pro :D